Saturday, July 21, 2007


Four things to consider. On one extreme there's BRAVADO. Then, INNOCENT FOOLHARDINESS. Next is BRAVERY. Finally, COURAGE.

Bravado. This is false bravery, and it's a show. In some cases it may be noble. In an extreme emergency, when lives are on the line it may give others a (false) sense of security and allow cool heads to prevail. Mostly, it's just some fool's pride.

Innocent Foolhardiness. This is close to Bravado in showiness, but not for others benefit, and close to Bravery in it's fearlessness. A good portion of time it's just ignorance. Such as someone crossing boundaries at the zoo to pet the pose next to the bear.

Bravery. This is a lack of reasonable fear. Some people just aren't scared. These are the people who put themselves in risky situations that others won't. Often, there is the attitude that the worst that could happen is you die. Brave people are often working for a cause, and in that respect are very close to being Courageous, except they're not overcoming fear, they don't have it.

Courage. Courageous people are afraid, but not cowards. Courage is always noble, and always a reaction to the greatest fear. Courage is the putting of others wellbeing above your own.

Bravado will step into a bullring, on the far side from the bull, so everyone will see him in with the bull. Bravery will think, "What an idiot" and go in to get him because he knows the bull and is in control. Foolhardiness will think that was cool and jump into the ring, hoot, holler and flail arms because it's fun after eight beers. Courage, after yelling cautions from the safety of the fence will run in when the bull feigns charges. His fear for himself is great, but his fear is greater for what will happen to the Fool if he does not act.

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