Monday, May 21, 2007

Proving god(s)

I guess thats all the rage right now. I've heard "proofs" of god for some years, but now its prime time. It is my belief that the god of Christianity isn't supposed to be proven, he's supposed to be accepted without proof. How many Christians spend how much time coming up with how many hokey ways to prove god that are really just a bunch of bs? I've heard plenty that I believe but none that actually prove anything. (That means you can tell anecdote after anecdote that "proves" 1 + 1 = 2 and I'll believe you every time, but most won't really prove it.) For what it's worth the most impressive persuasive argument I've heard on the subject of religion belongs to the Hindu. In their system of belief as life beings reach higher planes of consiousness they reincarnate as higher beings, and the reverse, and if they obtain enlightenment as humans they get out of the reincarnation loop. By this most ancient of religous systems our current condition of deforrestation and overpopulation makes perfect sense and is quite encouraging. Perhaps I should convert, of course, I'd have to die first. (My apologies to anyone who realizes how symplistic the above is.)

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