Saturday, May 19, 2007


I guess the first thing on my mind, after starting out on this, is copyrights. I like 'em. There's a special provision in the US Constitution for 'em. If you want to keep your writing copyrighted, fine, do it. You just can't do it here. Anything on your own blog is another matter. Post here and you made it public, despite any statements you may make to the contrary. I hate seeing disclaimers on forums where someone posts to a public site and wants to enjoy a copyright on what they say. If you want your thoughts to be privately owned post them on your privately owned site. Allow public access and maintain copyright. Get on a public forum, or comment on a site owned by someone else, and you lose it. Anybody remember when the internet was about the sharing and open exchange of information and ideas? I think that was before internet lawyers.

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